A man gotta heal himself

Rajat Upadhyay
4 min readMar 29, 2021


Read the last chapter here, if you haven’t: https://rajatis1999.medium.com/delving-into-the-past-439ab5ee0e2e

Sumeet went out in the night. A chilling November night. White smoke coming out of his mouth. His gloved hands clapped together rubbing to produce some heat. He walked up to the sea viewpoint, leaning against the railings and looking up at the moon. His eyes glimmered. Not in hope. He was looking for answers. Answers to questions that have been deeply buried inside his heart for a long long time. After the long fight he just had with Vandana, he was exhausted, maybe frustrated with his life. The moon was bigger than usual. The stars were more than ever. The night sky painted with black pastel colors.

“Never trust a man who acts like he has nothing to lose. You listening to me kid, huh? Never ever trust a man like that. Those fuckers are not made to be trusted.”

“Yes. I understand you.”

A young Sumeet was a very curious kid, he had that eye of the tiger, that thirst, that propelling power that lifts a helicopter into the air. The wild hungry passion to discover the world around him. Abba Zafar has always been his mentor since his biological parents passed away in a car accident when he was just 4 years old. A very tender age.

Abba Zafar, or as well known by his name in the gambling community, Zafar Mahmood Azes. Better known as Zafar baba by all his coworkers, gamblers, pimps, thieves, criminals, policemen, and even the congressmen he had ties with. Zafar baba owned 3 Havelis on the skirts of the film city of Mumbai, then known as Bombay. The city of dreams or at least that is what it looks like from outside to the young hearted charming young boys and girls, looking out to become successful in the world filled with piss and dirt. These Havelis were the central point for all sorts of gambling activities in the complete city of Bombay and cities and states nearby. Those who came to test their fate with money in these gambling joints won or lost, but Zafar baba always won. Most of the regular gamblers were hit showmen of the film city, businessmen, and congressmen. With their shining boots and leathered jackets, stepping out from their lavish cars, they had a taste of gambling and taking risks with the enormous amount of money their ancestors accumulated over the decades. Zafar’s team devised special techniques and formulas to make sure that no matter what is the amount, no matter who is winning, the Haveli(casino) always made the money it needed. His other businesses included trading women, most of whom came from the special supplies he had inside the film city. His men were spread all over the city. His men were in the film business, his men were in law, his men were dressed as protectors of law. Girls who came to this city with the glitters of fame in their small eyes were lured into this business by misguiding. Being near to such a good supply, Zafar baba never had a shortage of pretty women to warm his customer’s bed.

“Good. You are a very bright kid. Now you focus on whatever we teach you, and whatever we show you. One day inshah allah you will take my position and run all these businesses for me. I am getting old. I can’t do this forever.”, said Zafar to a young Sumeet as he listened with the utmost curiosity.

“But, I don’t wanna do this. I wanna be an astronaut.”, cried Sumeet as he expressed his own feelings for his future.

Zafar baba burst out into heavy laughter. With snorts, and his heavy jaw opening to show all the cavities in his mouth, and the smell of the most expensive paan in the country.

Yes, you will and you can become whatever you want my child. Allah is with you. But always remember, your abba loves you more than anything in this world. Remember that, alright. Now come on, go back home, your parents must be waiting for you.

Sumeet’s biological father used to work for Zafar baba as an accountant in his businesses before his demise. After his parents’ accident, Zafar took Sumeet in his arms but only as his godchild. His little boy. Whom he will teach and raise since Zafar never had a child of his own. Zafar however didn’t have the time to raise a family, so Sumeet was officially adopted by a Hindu family given the fact that his original parents were Hindu and his relation with Zafar baba was kept a secret, for the protection of the king of Bombay, Zafar baba. He used to send a whole package of sweets to Sumeet’s house for his good upbringing. Sweets, not literally, but packets and packets of green cash. Sumeet never felt the lack of money, or guidance, or love. But, the void. The void. That never fills, unless a man works to heal himself. That void somehow managed to stay over the years, decades and was revisited after this furious fight with his wife.

Looking at the moon. Remembering his Zafar baba, Sumeet sighed in relief. His heartbeat was normal, the chilled breeze of the night cleared his mind and his consciousness.

Rajat Upadhyay

The author of this post is in love, with the concept of love.



Rajat Upadhyay
Rajat Upadhyay

Written by Rajat Upadhyay

I am a dreamer, except my dreams don't come true.

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