Anti romeo squad and their invaluable contribution
Do you know anything about anti romeo squad?
Yup, that anti-Romeo squad that roams the streets and parks of villages in UP and beats up people who are causing harm to the ancient culture of our country. Whenever I hear of a case of a Bajrang Dal beating, I am instantly reminded of the brothers of Night’s watch of Game of Thrones, kinda similar!
I really loved Night’s watch though, but not the anti-Romeo boys in particular. I don’t know about you but I have full intention to fall in love before fading in the wind.
I have always wondered that how these people are saving the culture of our country. They roam the streets of villages that are almost unknown and have little police protection. They have sons and relatives of politicians in their squad always ready to rescue them when they are locked up.
And they beat up people in parks to save the “ancient” culture. That must mean that our culture says that people should be beaten up if they walk around hand in hand. Do the scriptures say that? I don’t know I have only read the Kama Sutra 😜 . But that is not the point. If these people are really willing to save our culture anyhow, which by the way is not being destroyed, then they should start with big cities and more powerful people. If they roam cities, or the central park of Hauz Khas by mistake, they will surely find a lot of love birds to trap and beat up. If they are really willing, they should be dragging out all those young boys and girls who are in a live in relationship in the metro cities of our country before their marriage. And most of all they should beat this guy first of all.😂
But they won’t. Two reasons: they will piss their pants once they actually know that they have beaten someone because of which they won’t get any protection now, and second, they really actually don’t care.
Then, why do they do it?
Remember the time when the acid attack cases in our country used to be the headlines of the news. The rape cases, the cases of eve teasing, the case of lynching, love Jihad, etc, etc, etc.
“Muslim boy killed by kins for having a relationship with a hindu girl”.
They are just that. Men of religious leaders, people willing to take out their personal grudge, “vidhayak ke bhanjee”, and “we are doing this to save the culture” is just another tag line or front line for justifying their crimes.
Well, if you are doing this to save our culture, maybe you should do a raid on Naughty America’s US offices, because more young people are addicted to porn that in love with someone real. And that is what is actually ruining the youth, or the “culture”. These are the people who are able to get away with their crimes in the name of the culture and religion.
What are your thoughts about it?
Love should flow. It should be free. Free to look deep into the eyes, free to hold hands, free to kiss, and free to __, you know what I mean. No one has the power or the authority to define someone’s else life just because it hurts their definition of religion.
That’s all I want to say. I gotta go now and warn Johnny Sins. He might be their target now.
Rajat Upadhyay
You Have Everything but You Don’t Have Yourself.