Avengers, DC vs COVID
Who can save us from COVID?
Disclaimer: Some light humor ahead, no offense to anyone.
Americans are very good at saving the world, in movies.
So, just like World War Z or some superhero movie, if we have to choose a super-hero who can save us from COVID Pandemic, who it would be?
Read till the end, slowly, it’s going to be worth it.😁
- First on the list comes the most hyped superhero of all time:
Pros: Superhuman ability, rigid and durable body, X-ray vision
What I like about him: He is handsome, maybe good in bed😂. Ok, that’s not appropriate. Doesn’t fear bullets and can fly.
But, he certainly isn’t the person who can beat a disease. With all the physical power, the only thing he can do is set up large vast medical camps and get COVID affected people quickly to hospitals.
2. On the other side of the ring is our slim trim friend, The SpiderMan.
Pros: Very Young and notorious, Super cool, Fast and agile
Cons: He really can’t do anything except fly around like a monkey.
3. Next on the line is our beloved Late Iron Man.
Pros: Billionaire, Very cool, Genius level intellect, Some cool gadgets to play around with.
Cons: He is an excellent engineer but not a doctor, if he was a doctor and was alive, we might have had a chance.
4. Our next contender is the super-hot Asgard God, The Thor.
Pros: Super Hot, Amazing build, His hammer is unmatched, Power of thunder.
Cons: Someone in his family will always be a problem for us.
5. Last but not least, the most awaited candidate, well, he doesn’t need an introduction.
😂😂Okay. I am kidding, he can’t save us from anything.
Well, none of the above ones proved to be of any use to us. But, there is still someone we are forgetting.
Someone with a rather small height, he doesn’t like to show off, he believes in living a simple life and even has his own favorite type of cake.
The superhero from the Asain origin, the king of kings, the protector of the Realm and vanisher of the dark,
Ladies and Gentleman, hold your hearts for the only, the amazing, the majestic superhero, and the only one who can save us from COVID:
Is there anything he can’t do?
He will surely have some kind of gadget to deal with this horrible situation, maybe he can just fast forward the time and get us all out of this mess.
Meechan will be really proud of you, Doraemon, just save us all.🙄
Rajat Upadhyay
The author of this post is a part-time Nobita, he sleeps a lot, disturbs his mom, and just can’t get enough of Shizuka.🙄