Fights of moral
Did you know Steve Jobs’ apartment was awkwardly furnished, he used to wear the same clothes everyday? He used to sleep on a mat placed on a floor at the age of 25, being a multi-millionaire.
“I have always been a middle class guy. I am not gonna let all this money ruin my future”, said he.
Recently I was making an audit of all the bare minimum things required for a person’s survival. (I do weird things.)
Food, Clothes, A roof, Some entertainment, friends, family, education, anything else?
The things mentioned above are enough for a person’s survival and the irony is most people have this. They have food, clothes, friends and all those things. So why work hard to achieve more than that? When these requirements satisfy our needs. If the above mentioned needs are converted to their equivalent expenditure, then any lower middle class family has all its needs fulfilled. Why is there then so much grief in the world about money?
people like warmth, comfort and safety. Sure, I do have the money today to buy food and clothes and send my two little children to a nice school, but no one knows what the future holds. For all I know, it might be possible that tomorrow my needs increase, now I also need a car, a bigger house, and maybe, just maybe heavy medical expenses incase of diseases. Working hard to gather as much as you can thus makes sense. Doesn’t it?
But, then there is the question of actually enjoying what you have gathered. Are you only gonna work and work for securing your family against some future situation that just might happen! What if it never happens? Is all the hard work lost and you forsaked all those pleasures and parties for nothing?
But then again some of us just don’t care about security. More fame, more money, more toys, more self-importance. Ahh, Vanity, definitely my favorite sin. XD
Tailoring it all down to one point, only one thing can be concluded. People should act as per the need of the situation. Recently I was watching a video of Sadhguru, he was asked a question.
“Namaskaram sadhguru. Sadhguru, what is the purpose of our lives?”, asked the devotee.
Sadhguru just laughed in his signature body shaking movement. “So many people thinking they have a purpose in life. Feeding their own egos beleiving they are here for a greater purpose. I ask god now, please don’t send your soldiers on the earth, keep them with yourself.”
“This belief that everyone has a purpose is just used by people feed the hunger of their own self-importance. The only purpose, the only need is to do the work to fulfil what is needed in life right now, that’s all.”
Sounds about right?
To me, it does.
Rajat Upadhyay
If I had the stars from the darkest night, And the diamonds from the deepest ocean, I’d forsake them all for your sweet kiss, For that’s all I’m wishin’ to be ownin’…