Is life really unfair?
When I was a kid, my elder cousin used to take me to a Sanatan Dharma temple in Janakpuri every Sunday. I was just 10 years old but I loved that trip every Sunday because I got to spend some time with my bhaiya(he is as equal as a father to me), the temple was really big so I used to roam around there, and after that, we used to visit the nearby juice shop or amusement park for some rides. I remember that every time we visited that amusement park, some children who used to work there or maybe beg at the nearby streets used to come to the same amusement park and asked people to give them some money for rides. I don’t know about others, but I always saw my brother giving these kids the money to take those rides. They felt really happy too once they got on the rides, and I was always amazed at this unexpected kindness.
The question, Is life really unfair? is the one I have pondered over a lot. But in the end, it’s actually very simple.
When we look at the people who spend all their day begging on the streets, collecting money, food, and whatever they can to feed themselves and their family and ask the same question again, won’t we get our answer?
How is life fair when a 5-year-old kid goes to bed half-fed because his father didn’t get a labor job that day?
When a mother does not get to eat the food she collected for her children, is life really fair then?
These people are underprivileged. They never got the same opportunities as you and me, they never had the chance of the same education. So Yes, life is unfair.
But what can we do as human beings?
We truly have limited powers, as a common man I cannot form laws to provide jobs to these people in government sectors, I cannot enforce the government to give out the taxpayers money to feed these people, and I surely cannot give out my money to all the beggars in the world, else my family would go unfed. That’s where the story I told in the starting comes in.
It never hurts to be a bit kind every day.
It doesn’t take any money, any effort, or any time to be kind to someone. I recently reverse engineered this process, and here’s how it works. When you are mean/rude to someone, when you cheat someone, when you take advantage of someone, you are starting a chain. Now that person goes the second time with a thought that this world works like this, and I need to be rude to someone in order to fit in well or avenge what happened with me. This chain goes on on a large scale and eventually leads to a toxic environment.
Be careful though. One day last year before the lockdown I decided that I am gonna help someone today to get that great feeling of being kind and helpful. The universe works in all sorts of mysterious ways, I actually got the chance to help someone. An aged lady asked me for directions at a metro station. I was so excited and enthused at this sudden opportunity that I told her the wrong directions in excitement. She had to go to Janakpuri and I asked her to sit on a train to Botanical😑. Maybe being helpful is not my cup of tea.
Why is it that some people don’t even have a bowl full of rice while some others throw it in the garbage?
Why is it that some are born with special abilities while some others can’t even walk straight?
I certainly don’t have the answers to these questions, maybe God has some sort of gigantic masterplan we don’t know about. I will ask him about it when I meet him until then let's be kind!
And yes, everyone loves you when you are kind. My extreme affection for my cousin generates from the fact that he is very kind and patient. I have never seen him lie, I have never seen him smoke or drink, I have never seen him swear. He is like this but on a much cooler level!