Life and death in one breath.
Are you distracted by things around you? By distraction, I don’t just mean distractions of social media, web series, porn or friends. Distractions as in, the distractions of goals. Chasing different goals at different points of time without really getting anywhere.
Once there was a lawyer in California in western part of the USA. He was a fresher into the industry, totally filled with enthusiasm for giving all his statements and facts in the court room in front of the judge and the jury. His client was charged with henious crimes! The lawyer worked really hard, sleepless nights drowned in tens of hundreds of paper works and evidence proofs. Sadly, he lost the case and the client was sentenced to die on an electric chair. When the police was escorting the accussed to his prison cell, the lawyer came running up to his client and said,
“Hey, hold up. I have some news for you. A good one and a bad one. Which one you wanna hear first?”
“Ah! Gimme the bad one first. Get it out of the way.”, said the accused.
“We have lost the case and you are sentened to die.”, said the lawyer.
“What? What the hell can be the good news after this. I am gonna die anyway.”
“Well, I fought really hard and got the electric chair’s voltage reduced for you.”
Was that of any use?
What can we conclude from this?
The lawyer’s goal was not defined. He didn’t really care about losing the case but was cherished that his hardwork got the voltage reduced. Poor client.
What happens when a person’s goal is not defined and they put tremendous efforts anyway?
I will answer the question with a question. What is the resultant vector when equal force is applied in all directions?
What if these directions are our different distractions and the vector magnitude is our effort being applied in all directions at the same time. The resultant result is zero.
I will leave you with one thought.
The world is the way we make it to be.
Rajat Upadhyay
I saw a man wounded in love, I saw a man wounded in hatred and it’s hard.