Men are from mars, women are from venus
Ever since I was a kid, I thought there were clear distinctions in society. Men, and women. Poor, and rich. Boss, and employee. Weekend, and weekdays. Day, and night. Businessmen, and showmen. School, and college. Failure, and success. Earth, and sky. Water, and fire. Logically speaking, it is true. These are two different things. Men are different from women. Psychologically speaking, they are actually the same?
Think why!
The knowledge that we have accumulated over such a long span of education has given us a particular perspective of life, which changes according to different people. And our perspective is really limited because of our limited knowledge.
Consider this, you are not living on Earth. You live on Neptune. Now, is the ground and sky of earth two different things for you? No! Right. For you, it’s the same, it’s just another planet as a whole. See, how a change in view changed the complete perspective. Tell me if you would even care about the people on earth, I mean you are on Neptune, if you are thinking about the earth and not having a good time, you are really an idiot.
Let’s expand on this idea. What is the basic difference between a man and a woman? How do we classify them as different?
Do women have long hair? Do men have better muscular power?
Can’t men have beautiful long hair if they care enough to apply conditioner once a week? How difficult is it for a girl to have six-pack abs?
Are women more emotionally sensitive? Do men have better command and authority?
I am a man, and I cry at least once a month. Women are now involved in being CEOs of companies and in the armed forces.
Let’s step it up!
Men have d*cks, women have v*ginas. But, what is the difference? No, I know the difference. I am asking you.
The difference is in the shape of the human mass that has been formed in different forms to give different shapes and forms to genital organs of men and women. Basically, both of them are made of organic compounds only. Only the form and shape is different
Are you aroused by this pic?
Why? Don’t we have our own lips and our own body rubbing against itself all the time. Why do we need someone else’s lips to make love? Hold on guys, I am asking you to kiss yourself. But, those other person’s lips are also made of the same material as your lips, or is it not? Then why bother?
This is what is called MAYA in the ancient language.
There is no that!
What do we actually know? Did you know that if you are a man you have to work to support a family? Did you know that if you are a woman, you have to strengthen yourself to strengthen your family one day? What did you decide for yourself? Is that the same as what society(which includes your parents) decided for you? And, whose decision are you following?
All the distinctions of men, women, Hindu, Muslim, this, that, has been introduced into this society to give it a structure and define people’s role. Internally, they are all the same.
Rajat Upadhyay
The author of this post is what he is. The author of this post is not what he is not.