Oops! Wrong Number!
So, before the Corona pandemic, when life used to be more exciting(not really) and we had the freedom to go to places, I remember the one time I visited a bar with the group and an unusual thing happened.
I remember that visit distinctively because of the story I am about to tell you.
So, as we were just having our drinks and food, discussing movies and college stories when I saw this young beautiful lady sitting across the hall. Man, if I could resist myself.
*Name changed*
Me: “Hello there, I am Rajat, what’s your name?”
Her: “I am Stacey. So Rajat, do you want to come over to my house tonight?”
Me: “Sure, let’s go!”
At Stacey’s house, I noticed a picture of a man on Stacey’s desk and asked: “Is this your brother?”
Stacey: “No, it isn’t Rajat!” *she giggles and gets closer*
Rajat: “Is it your husband?”
Stacey: “No, silly!” *she giggles even more.
Rajat: “Then it must be your boyfriend!”
Stacey: *she giggles even more and starts nibbling on my ear* she says:
“That’s me before my operation!”
Obviously, the above story is only a story. I never went to any bar, never saw any girl, never went to her home, she never nibbled on my ear ;( !
But the above story carries a very subtle lesson if you could catch it!
Celebrate every mistake in your life because the best ones give you opportunities, the worst ones give you experience and the embarrassing ones give you great stories!
Note: I am not at all asking you to become homosexual! Just experience life without fear, that’s the point. Bad things may happen, but they will happen anyways. Remember the time Chandler kissed a guy in a bar?
Credits: Omar Delawar
Peace out!
Rajat Upadhyay
Michael Scott and Chandler Bing Fanatic
The author of this post has a body of 70% water and 30% anxiety, soon enough the water will evaporate.